
Pro Peninsula is a fund within the Ocean Foundation dedicated to strengthening community efforts towards reaching the goal of protecting the natural environment of the Baja California Peninsula. Through the creation of a network of strong individuals, Pro Peninsula and The Ocean Foundation has established itself as a conservation leader thruought the globally important eco-region of Baja California.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Required & Inspired

My Cohort teacher from school posted a prompt for our internship blogs asking what role our individual internship companies had in the community. I came up with this:

One word to describe Pro Peninsula; Green. Or should I say Blue? Pro Peninsula is fund within the Ocean foundation; attention focus, Sea Turtles. When I think of PeoP, I think of nature, saving endangered species, and overall seeing the beauty of earth and realizing that it should not be taken for grangted. I believe that only after a few days of being here at Pro Peninsula that differences start small.. and they grow, and grow, and you know, one day you have a film festival about what's going on in the world, the wild, that people attend and become informed, you're mailing people who want the updates. Hopefully the word gets out and there and people become more aware and into saving the environment so that up and coming generations will see the world as beautiful as it should be seen. It's pretty heart warming to feel like you're doing something selfless to benefit evey one in the world, and I think that's why so many people are members of green organizations; because of that feeling of doing something about an internationl problem. Deep down, we all want what's best for the world, who not start somewhere? Like Baja?

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